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Update: Life in Richmond/ Being a Working Woman

I realized it has almost been a full year since my last blog post! I was supposed to keep you updated on my new career and life here in Virginia. So here it goes!

This year has been hands down the best one of my life. So much has happened in these past 10 months.

-First off, I moved to the South, far away from my friends and family. It has been a hard adjustment learning how to live without them, but it was healthy for my personal growth. I've met some really great people here and established a few close friendships. I also have been able to get close with my god mother and her family, who coincidentally live 10 minutes away from me!

-I've been living on my own in my first apartment which has been a great but also a terrifying experience. I love cooking and planning meals for myself. I also really enjoy decorating for each season and being able to be as loud and as messy as I want. I also have gotten back into a fitness regime and lost 15 lbs since January! Also, paying bills hasn't been that big of a struggle for me. It's nice having a steady paycheck. However, battling bugs in the South is a whole different level of scary than it is in New York. I've had to kill dozens and dozens of camel crickets the size of my palm during September. I also killed a black widow which was my biggest fear of moving here. My fear of bugs is starting to fade. Go me!

-I started my first full-time job as a web designer for Royall & Company. The training process was a long one because I had much to learn before I took on clients. I am happy to say that i'm on the road to being a coding CSS and Sass expert and have taken on eight clients (and counting!) on my own. I love my employer and have so much opportunity to advance in my career, get involved with volunteer opportunities outside and inside the company, and have time to enjoy life outside of work. It's like a dream come true!

-I've done a bit of traveling this year! I went to Playa Del Carmen Mexico with my best friends. I also visited the Outer Banks in North Carolina with some of my Richmond friends!

-I also have entered into a new exciting relationship with an amazing guy named Wayne! He has lived in Richmond his whole life and has been an amazing guide in helping me get acquainted with the city and have the time of my life. We've done so much together such as boating on the Rappahannock river, doing some crazy water rides at Water Country USA, going out to eat at dozens and dozens of fantastic restaurants in Richmond, getting pretty pro at throwing darts, dancing together at parties, seeing Rob Zombie live, playing at an open mic together and many many other fun things. We also recently went to King's Dominion's Halloween Haunt. We rode a rollercoaster and went through a bunch of terrifying mazes! I'm so grateful that I have him to show me around!

I am so happy with adult life so far. Many more exciting memories to share soon!

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