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Graduating. Moving. Starting my career.

Wow, this has been an eventful 15 months. I turned 21 last September which brought on a lot of fun experiences of exploring the nightlife in Rochester, NY. I had two internships in the design field- one at a museum and one at a marketing company in Virginia. I saw my favorite band from middle school play at an outdoor venue (Blink-182). I took my first independent vacation with my best friend down in Florida. I saw a ska concert in NYC. I signed the lease for my very first apartment. In two days I will be graduating with my Bachelors in Fine Arts and in five days I will be moving to Virginia for a full time job in web design.

It's an understatement to say i'm overwhelmed with emotion. Sometimes I am happy and proud for myself for getting a "real job" right out of college. Other times I am self doubting and totally scared that i'm going to fail at my new job and I also feel the same way about leaving my family and friends.

Regardless of my feelings, I hope to keep you all up to date on my post college experiences (adventures?) with this blog. I am trying to stay positive and believe that I will be extremely happy with my new life. I will inform you about everything that I learn about web design and marketing. I will also brag about all the amazing restaurants that Richmond, VA has to offer. Stay tuned!

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