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Videography Team
Poster 1
Poster 2
Poster 3
One of the many Instagram posts
Our Prize
The Campaign Team

Lil' Swoop Marketing Campaign

The Lil' Swoop Campaign was a two-month long marketing campaign I designed for  

Nazareth College and my Transmedia class. It all started at the beginning of the semester when each member of my class was asked to come up with a campaign idea that would be implemented campus wide (it was a competition). We had to present our campaign ideas to a board of marketing/design professors and they picked the one they thought would fit well around the school. After a long time of deciding, my campaign was picked!


The idea of Lil' Swoop came to my mind because my college had just replaced their mascot with a big, buff bird named Swoop. Lil' Swoop is his little brother that wanted to visit him on campus. But big Swoop was too busy with his new job, so he asked students to watch his brother for him and to document their adventures with Lil’ Swoop on Instagram.


Our whole class was in charge of the campaign and I was the director. Kristina Netti, my classmate, design the campaign’s logo. Amanda Murray, my classmate and assistant, designed the campaign’s web page. Kim Schlosser and Kristina Netti designed the posters that promoted the campaign. I came up with the hashtag, a timeline, a sign-up sheet, a follow up email after students signed up to take Lil' Swoop home, a list of terms and conditions, a meeting place to pick up/drop off Lil' Swoop every day, a schedule of who was watching Lil' Swoop every day during the campaign, and prizes. The prize was a custom water bottle with the Lil Swoop logo on it. I worked with the college bookstore on ordering the bottles from a vendor. We worked with the marketing department of our college when it came to posting information on the school's Facebook, Instagram, and web page. I organized a team to take the promotional videos that went up every two weeks, I was also in charge of scheduling students to take Lil' Swoop, delegating jobs to my class, putting Big Swoop note in all water bottles, and working with the marketing department for the campaign postings.


At the end of the campaign my class and I presented to the marketing department and design professors the outcome and analytics of the campaign. The campaign was a lot of work, but it was a very worthwhile experience. I enjoyed being in charge of a campus wide event.

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